One Up on Wall Street

Table of Contents

A great book which I read in Summers '18 and have started applying his principles in investing in businesses by owning stocks of public companies.

Introduction: The advantages of dumb money

Part I: Preparing to Invest

1. The Making of a Stockpicker

2. The Wall Street Oxymorons

Problems of Wall Street Professionals:

3. Is this gambling or what?

4. Passing the Mirror Test

Ask yourself these questions before investing in stocks:

5. Is this a good market? Please don't ask

Things to remember from this section:

Part II: Picking Winners

6. Stalking the tenbagger

7. I've Got it, I've Got it - What is it?

The Six Categories:

Highfliers to Low Riders: Companies don't stay in the same category forever.

Exit the position in accordance to the stock category it belongs to.

8. The Perfect Stock, What a Deal!

9. Stocks - I'd avoid

10. Earnings, Earning, Earnings

11. The Two Minute Drill

12. Getting the facts

13. Some Famous Numbers

14. Rechecking the Story

15. The Final Checklist

Stocks in general:

Slow Growers:



Fast Growers:


Asset Plays:

Some more pointers from this section?

Part III

16. Designing a Portfolio

17. The Best Time to Buy & Sell

18. The Twelve Silliest (and most dangerous) things people say about stock prices