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What is Pranit Bauva upto these days?

Keep a track of what I'm doing.

Updated at 6th June, 2024

Since I stopped working on Nirah webhooks, I took some time off. I had heard somewhere that burnout doesn't happen from working hard; it happens from things not going your way. This was the first time I felt burned out.

Every crisis is an opportunity, and finally, I quit smoking and drinking. I also started going to the gym and swimming regularly. I have been more mindful of my food intake as I attempt a body recomposition.

On the work side, I built a home lab for retrieving, parsing and storing stock market-related data. Reading a few biographies of the people I admire and consider my heroes. My investment strategy for the past four years was finding unpopular large-cap stocks and investing in them, which has paid off handsomely. I am now venturing into the world of small caps, but before that, I have to finish reading Financial Shenanigans book.

I have built this NOW page after I came across