Day 0 of 60 days of AI

For a long time, I ignored AI and focused only on software, product engineering, and finance/business. Seeing the recent breakthroughs in AI because of Large Language Models (LLMs), I have converted into a believer. The AI revolution has begun and will probably happen in my lifetime. I would hate to be stuck sucking my thumb. Even if we are far from the AI revolution, I am okay with using the next 60 days to understand more about it. Something good is going to come out of it.

At first, I will timebox my experimentation to 60 days and then see how it goes. In the first 60 days, I want to cover a lot of ground without going into too much math, yet I need to be able to read/understand and implement research papers independently.


  1. Take the course
  2. Implement from scratch
  3. Teach through blog posts

I am a big believer that teaching refines our understanding. If this goes well, I hope there's more to come. As a part of this, I have to keep posting daily about my updates on this website as well as on twitter/X.

Let the deep work begin.