Updated 15th March 2024
Building ListenThis AI to help listen to blog articles using text to speech.
Reading the Deep Learning book by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville along with the PyTorch book from Sebastian Raschka.
Got reasonably proficient in scikit learn previously.
Updated at 31st August 2024
I finished reading the Financial Shenanigans book, and I did find some ideas but no noteworthy small caps. Almost all were overpriced. Thanks to the book, I can spot the problematic companies now.
The body recomposition is going well, and I have lost some fat while gaining muscle. I am glad I have quit smoking and drinking.
From the 1st September 2024, I have started the 60 days of AI challenge.
Updated at 6th June, 2024
Since I stopped working on Nirah webhooks, I took some time off. I had heard somewhere that burnout doesn't happen from working hard; it happens from things not going your way. This was the first time I felt burned out.
Every crisis is an opportunity, and finally, I quit smoking and drinking. I also started going to the gym and swimming regularly. I have been more mindful of my food intake as I attempt a body recomposition.
On the work side, I built a home lab for retrieving, parsing and storing stock market-related data. Reading a few biographies of the people I admire and consider my heroes. My investment strategy for the past four years was finding unpopular large-cap stocks and investing in them, which has paid off handsomely. I am now venturing into the world of small caps, but before that, I have to finish reading Financial Shenanigans book.
I have built this NOW page after I came across nownownow.com.